By signing this form, I grant permission to Cape Town Unitarians (CTU) to take and publish photographs, video or sound recordings. These materials may be used in any lawful manner, in print or electronic form. I understand the following:

  1. I grant permission to use the photographs, video and sounds recordings in perpetuity.

  2. I will not receive payment, royalties or any other type of compensation for the use of my image, likeness, appearance, and voice now or in the future.

  3. The materials may be used on the Cape Town Unitarians website, on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media that may be created in the future) or in our WhatsApp groups.

  4. The materials may be used for advertising Cape Town Unitarians events on our partners’ websites, social media or WhatsApp groups.

  5. The materials may be used in press releases or news stories; in these cases, we will check with you to ensure you are still OK with this dissemination.

  6. The materials may be used in whole or in part, alone or with other photographs, videos or recordings. 

  7. CTU will not use these materials to create any fictitious AI images, videos or recordings. However, CTU might use AI technology to edit photos and videos.

  8. I further give permission to Cape Town Unitarians to use my name and any other personal data when sharing these photographs, videos and recordings.

  9. Cape Town Unitarians retains sole copyright of all the materials shot, filmed and recorded.

If I disagree with any of the above, I will draw a line through the statement with which I disagree. Otherwise I (undersigned) understand and agree to the conditions outlined in this release and consent form:


Printed Name of Participant 


Signature of Participant 



Print and email to Nolu at